

How to Cite
Hernández Cetina, A. W. C., Ripoll, A., & García Perilla, J. C. (2018). “The Gulf Clan”: Is it the New Paramilitarism or Organized Delinquency?. Ágora USB, 18(2), 512–526. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.3363
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Since the mid-twentieth century, Colombia has been immersed in an armed conflict, still alive even though the FARC-EP was disarmed after the peace process that was signed in 2016. There are still other armed actors, which are important to know, in order to have a better understanding of the current situation of the conflict, which is the case of “the Gulf Clan.” – Clan del Golfo. – This article aims to establish whether the causes that gave rise to the formation of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia – AUC – are analogous to those that originated “the Gulf Clan.” It will be held from premises of vigilantism that the emergence, development, and strengthening of paramilitary groups are a response to the state crisis to provide public security and a State-building process, where there is evidence of weakness for exercising the legitimate monopoly of the use of force.



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