

How to Cite
Gómez Betancur, L. Ángela, Gladys Romero, M., Merchán, V., & Aguirre Acevedo, D. C. (2010). Reliability of a learning disabilities assessment questionnaire (cepa) in school-aged children (cepa). Ágora USB, 10(1), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.364
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The assessment questionnaires are basic tools used in research or in programs geared to the early, simple, and fast detection of a sickness in the general population, with a high level of accepted reliability and validity. Objective: to determine the reliability of an assessment questionnaire dealing with learning disabilities; which makes easy the detection of children who are more likely to have learning disabilities. Patients and Methods: a random sample of 681 children was chosen; they belonged to the 3rd and 4th socio-economic strata, aged 8 and 11, of primary basic schooling education, from 4 educational institutions of a neighboring village of the Metropolitan Area of Medellin and who willingly decided to participate in the study. From this population, a non-random sample of 80 individuals was taken who met the inclusion criteria to carry out a pilot test. The questionnaire comprises 39 items comprising 8 frequent areas of difficulties. It is designed to assess the cognitive and language processes.



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