

How to Cite
Trejos Buriticá, O. I. (2019). What do the Humanities Really do in Systems Engineering? Confronting Reality within the Framework of the Colombian Public University. Ágora USB, 19(2), 456–469. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.3689
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The authors are also adhere to the creative commons license 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.es)

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This article presents the results of a study conducted with members of the
academic community of systems engineering of different Colombian public
universities, whose purpose is to reveal the true impact of the Humanities
on the curriculum. Students, teachers, and alumnia were approached and, in
conjunction with the formal elements established by the curricular proposals,
it was investigated how far the Humanities are fulfilling their role in this
engineering program, by confronting what was proposed with what has been
experienced. The results obtained seem to indicate a distance between what
is proposed and what is actually experienced in the classroom. Likewise, it
is concluded that the presence of the subject matters of the Humanities in
a systems engineering program is always very important and when the instructors,
who are responsible for serving them to students, are aware of their
role in this program, and thus disclose it.



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