

How to Cite
Monsalve Gomez, C. A. (2018). Sense of Life of Victimized Women of Forced Disappearance in Granada, Antioquia. Ágora USB, 18(2), 374–383. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.3824
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In analyzing the actions undertaken by victimized women forced disappearance in Granada, (Antioquia) and the incidents that these actions have on their senses of life, it is necessary to investigate the ways that victimized women have given a new meaning to the fact related to disappearance, due to the lack of significance between the state and the citizenry. In this sense, the research project becomes relevant in the phenomenological study as a way of analyzing each one of the phenomena represented in the forced disappearance, which allows to narrate and to describe each one of the affections, actions and incidents of each of the victimized women of the Association of Victims of Granada (Asovida). For this reason, the logotherapeutic approach is necessary as a methodological proposal for the resignification of the senses of life in order to channel each of the experiences as a guideline for the restoration of each one of their rights, in the construction of peace.




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