

How to Cite
Rafael Vasquez, C., Giron Villacis, G. E., Amador Fierros, G., & Ayon Bañuelos, A. (2011). The educational policy and the international cooperation in higher education: the case of Mexico. Ágora USB, 11(1), 113–124. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.386
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This study shows how in Mexico the implementation of educational reforms, linked to a policy of State as a matter of international cooperation, is incipient. Even more, it is clearly stated that still there is no awareness in the groups of power at universities regarding their importance, in order to advance in internationalization processes of Higher Education. Therefore, the strategic and fundamental role it has to play for the institutional development is paramount, nevertheless that the National Association of Universities and Higher Educational Institutions, have pointed out its importance since the year 2000.



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