

How to Cite
Uribe, F. F. (2011). Tasks of the franciscan theology in the future. Ágora USB, 11(1), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.389
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 This article aims at introducing the concept of “Theology in the Future.” As men who deal with God, know how to interpret the signs of his word, which are spread at the present moment (semina verbi), are referred to the data of Revelation and they know how to project them, with all their prophetic force based on the demands of the new times. From this point of view, theology does not reduce itself to a kind of “theological archeology,” devoted to the narration of the theological reflection of the past, but it attempts to offer answers to the questions being asked by the contemporary man and it accompanies him in his great challenges. In this sense, the “theology of the future” guarantees the future of theology, and in this context, the Franciscan Proposal plays an important role.



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