

How to Cite
Huerta Mata, J. J. (2011). Productive articulation for the innovation of small aquaculture companies in the western region of México. Ágora USB, 11(2), 403–422. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.400
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The economic reality of our country has been oriented to find new ways to solve old problems pertaining to the primary sector, aquaculture developed from the very primitive cultures in Mexico has grown gradually, more like a constant effort to participate in productive activities for selfconsumption than intending to focus on small firms to form joint projects of productive articulation and development of innovation. This research article, poses Three essential aspects: 1) the conditions of rural enterprises aquaculture farms in the western region of Mexico, in the States of Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan and Nayarit, 2) modalities of productive articulation, networks or groupings of organizations a r o u n d a q u a c u l t u r e f a r m s 3 ) t h e characteristics of the processes on the farms and their orientation to innovation; this research analyzes the way in which businesses, the government and society, as a whole, participate through common work for the formalization of economic projects which modify, in the long run, the population's social conditions.



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Fuente: Sistema Automatizado de Información Censal 2004 del INEGI,


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