

How to Cite
Arango-Serna, M. D., Branch-Bedoya, J. W., & Jiménez Builes, J. A. (2020). Social appropriation of science and technology through an initiative of intervention and educational inclusion of children and adolescents in mining vulnerable territories, by using robotics as an alternative to building peace. Ágora USB, 20(1), 190–209. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4255
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This article presents an intervention initiative and an educational inclusion of children and adolescents from vulnerable territories of mining influence. In order to achieve this, a set of educational robots and complementary teaching materials was designed and used in the different sessions of the initiative. The beneficiaries were children and adolescents who work day by day in mining tasks and have not had the opportunity to enter the school system or to have defected from it, by seeking financial resources in order to support their families. Within the beneficiaries, there are also the teachers of the schools settled in the mining territories, in order to teach them new teaching and learning methodologies in order to serve the deschooled population. Two thousand five hundred children and adolescents benefited from the initiative and two hundred and fifty teachers did, too.



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