

How to Cite
Restrepo Betancur, F. (2019). Perception on news programs, which are broadcast on the Colombian television by University students in the city of Medellin, Colombia. Ágora USB, 19(2), 343–351. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4387
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News broadcasts, which are projected onto national television (Colombia) are basically characterized by spreading news related to violence, politics, and corruption arising from it. These media influence somehow
the perception of citizens at the time of choosing candidates. Its main objective was to carry out a multivariate comparative and relational analysis in order to evaluate the perception of college students, on news programs, which are broadcast on Colombian television. According to the respondents, as a relevant conclusion, what is highlighted is that the government controls the news, and they affect negatively the repetitive form of addressing issues of violence.



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