

How to Cite
Agudelo-Cifuentes, M.-C., Cardona, D., Segura, A., Restrepo-Ochoa, D., Muñoz Rodríguez, D., Segura, A., & Jaramillo, D. (2020). Violation of the Physical Integrity of the Elderly: Prevalence of Abuse and Related Factors. Ágora USB, 20(2), 129–139. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4568
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The ageing population currently experienced by Latin America brings with it challenges for society, such as the prevention of human rights violation and freedoms of the elderly, and the elimination of all forms of abuse. The prevalence of physical abuse for the elderly was 4.1%. It was mainly presented in women, people without a partner, and with financial income. In addition, it was more prevalent in older people at risk of depression, a history of suicidal thoughts, dissatisfaction with health, and living with dysfunctional families. The findings of this research show how family relationships can be a key factor in addressing the problem of abuse. In addition, the serious impact of these facts on the victim, such as affectations not only to physical health, but also to mental health.



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