

How to Cite
Robledo Marín, C., Zuluaga Callejas, M. I., & Sánchez Vallejo, S. M. (2020). Senior Citizens in the Reintegration Process (PPRM) in Colombia: Challenges for their reintegration. Ágora USB, 20(1), 173–189. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4649
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By analyzing the Route of Reintegration of the Agency for Reintegration and Standardization (ARN) for senior citizens in Colombia, who have been part of illegal armed groups and initiate processes of reintegration into the civilian life, in the Colombian State, it is evident, on the one hand, that this population is especially vulnerable as they have more difficulty adapting to the civilian life. It warns of the need to recognize the gaps that require particular conditions and needs of this population group. It further stresses the importance of increasing and/or improving the public and private offer of services, which allow comprehensive and sustainable care.



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