

How to Cite
Vásquez Velásquez, A. M., Bolívar Buriticá, W. ., & Castaño Pineda, Y. . (2022). A Multimodal Reflection on the Educational Contents Constructed in Image and Video within the Framework of an Educational Proposal for Health. Ágora USB, 22(1), 129–146. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4781
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When the processes of construction of digital contents are produced with little participation of community, decisions about the meaning go through the interpretation of technical and professional experts, who have another reading of the world and, in some cases, end up in processes of exclusion from the same meaning that is presented. Due to the decision making that arises between a theme and the way it is chosen, a broad participation of communities to create formative contents within the framework of Education for Health (EpS) is presented as a challenge.



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