

How to Cite
Alvarez, J. A., Yepes-Zuluaga, S. M. ., & Montes-Granada, W. F. . (2022). Social, Emotional, and Intercultural (SEI) Competences as a Fundamental Part of the Integral Profile of Undergraduate Students. Ágora USB, 22(1), 168–178. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4836
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In the professional profile of educational programs of all disciplines, it is pointed out that the competences of undergraduate students will have to reflect their knowledge, abilities, and skills to operate in a more globally interconnected world. The Social and Emotional competences, as a fundamental part of the being and of the social memory give undergraduate students a starting point for their formation, and at the same time, influence the constitution of Intercultural intelligence that will allow the future professional to perform in a global context, as a fundamental part of the integral profile.



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