

How to Cite
Molina Guerrero, N. (2022). Critical and Historical Reflections on Human Rights of the Afro-Mexican Population. Ágora USB, 21(2), 760–770. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.5085
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It must be remembered that during the colonial era, slavery was not a simple matter of racism as it could be understood, in which someone excludes another
because of the color of his skin. Slavery was an institution, that is, in political terms, it was part of the supply and demand of goods and services, and, therefore, slaves were just another commodity. It is not new to mention it, but this means
that in the framework of economic policies, the slave was part of the statistics and trade laws, reinforced by some ideological and philosophical justifications.
It should be noted that slavery, and its dynamic reconfiguration, were a reality throughout Latin America and the Caribbean until the middle of the twentieth century.



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