

How to Cite
Robledo Marín, C., Cardona Arango, D., Segura Cardona, A., & Lizcano Cardona, D. (2020). Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Functioning of Senior Citizens in the Reintegration Process (PPRM) in Colombia. Ágora USB, 20(2), 118–128. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.5134
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Some Senior Citizens in Reintegration Processes (PPRM), who participated in war have mental disturbances explained by the long de-schooling and living situations, which decrease the possibility of accessing the workforce and society. Altered cognitive functioning was more prevalent in people without formal education, without a partner, or living in non-functional families. Among the PPRM demographic factors of PPRM, which increase the likelihood of having a depressive symptom was belonging to the male sex, being over 65 years old, not having support from a partner. This likelihood decreases if there is any degree of schooling. Among the family and social factors discussed, only living with a non-functional family was found to increase the risk of depressive symptoms. Thus, accompaniment is required for the acceptance of their aging process, the use of experiences, and the exercise of citizenship.



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