

How to Cite
Sandoval Forero, E. A., & Capera Figueroa, J. J. (2020). Reconfiguration of Public Sphere in Latin America: an analytic approach from subordinated citizenship. Ágora USB, 20(2), 259–271. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.5142
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Democracy has become one of the topics of great interest and debate for the social sciences, in particular, for the field of political sociology in Latin America. The historical journey, which has taken the public sphere has become an epistemic space responsible for reshaping the socio-political relations that exist between citizens and the state within the framework of the endogenous/exogenous processes, which constitute democracy in its conception of the public. Thus, the purpose of this article is to carry out a brief analysis of the discussion of democracy within the framework of the imaginary of junior groups that exercise a critical view of the hegemonic processes fostered by dominant groups, which institute a model typical of modern/liberal democracy, which is based on a political order at the vertical level generated by marginalized actors in the region.



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