

How to Cite
Guzmán Pacheco, J. F. (2023). Family Goals from an Individual Perspective in Households with Different Perceptions of Family Functionality in Bucaramanga and its Metropolitan Area. Ágora USB, 23(2), 537–561. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6779
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Family functionality is the one that manages to conceive the general progress of each of its members; as well as a state of health, protection, and affectivity; which is the reflection of communication, cohesion, and adaptability. Family is conceived as that space of protection and development. The purpose of this study was to describe family goals from the individual perspective in households with different perceptions of household functionality in Bucaramanga and the Metropolitan area, by means of a qualitative study with a methodological design of interpretative phenomenology. According to the results, in relation to short-term goals, families want to pay off their debt, to improve their income, and in the immaterial goals, participants want to improve communication with their family members, to be more united. In the long-term, as for material goals, they want to have their own house, and in the non-material goals, they want to create a business, see their children united, share more time, and be happy.




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