

How to Cite
Parra Valencia, L. M. (2014). Practices and collective experiences in view of war and for the construction of peace: Social initiatives of peace in Colombia. Ágora USB, 14(2), 377–395. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.972
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the current text proposes a historical tour of the so-called social initiatives, which contribute to the construction of peace in Colombia, from people and groups who have been affected by the various forms of violence, within the frame of the socio- political and armed conflict that Colombia is going through. The text brings up a look at the actors who study the construction of peace and the work of the observatories of peace in the country. It also includes a reading to the academic (political) psychology, which accompanies the initiatives; that is to say, an introductory approach among the social initiatives and the discipline of psychology, as a field of study, which is of interest to research in psychology and the social initiatives for peace in Colombia.



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