

How to Cite
Balanta Moreno, X. C. (2014). Women in the colombian armed conflict. Revista Ciencias Humanas, 11(1), 109–129. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235826.1859
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Colombia has one of the largest armed conflicts in it history, and the violence against women during this current conflict has reached epidemic proportions. 1 In that sense, this paper presents a gender legal approach, also an analysis of the different roles of women and the types of violence that women have to experience in the Colombian armed conflict. The key questions this paper seeks to answer are: First, whether Colombian national legislation, the human rights laws (HRL) and the International humanitarian law (IHL) are addressing the needs of women in situations of armed conflict. Second, what are the different roles of women in the Colombian armed conflict and what types of violence they have to endure, specifically sexual violence?. Third, whether or not women are more vulnerable than men in situations of armed conflict. Regarding the first question I argue that the Colombian national law, the HRL and IHL, provides adequate protection to women in the Colombian armed conflict. However, there is a gap between that aforementioned legislation and the reality of the Colombian women in the conflict. For that reason, the national law, the HRL and IHL has to be reviewed in a practical context.


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