

How to Cite
Cuevas de Dolmetsch, A. (2023). Ethic of Care and Maternalism in Colombian Politics. Revista Ciencias Humanas, 16, 55–62. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235826.6732
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This article, by way of reflection, presents an approach to the ethics of care projected by women, both in their personal, social, and political lives, in response to patriarchal attitudes and attitudes toward violence. To this end, it roughly reviews the trajectory of five women in Colombian politics, their positions, and decisions in the public arena, especially about the issue of violence, which arises from gender-based values, especially maternal care. The right of women to have equal participation in elected and representative positions in the State (Quota Law), as well as political and social movements and women's organizations, are ideal spaces that materialize the ethic of care and maternalism in the public sphere. Ultimately, this text, from a gender perspective, highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing the ethic of care as an essential element in constructing a more just and egalitarian society.



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