

How to Cite
Muriel, A. (2023). Academic and Research Reflections. About the New Launching of the Journal. Revista Ciencias Humanas, 16, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235826.6826
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For the Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali and, in particular, for the team of the Revista Ciencias Humanas, it is a great pleasure to present to the national and international community this new issue which, with renewed vigor, once again unfolds its pages to bear witness to the academic and cultural concerns, intellectual exploration and scientific thought of researchers, teachers and students who wish to publish with us. This publication, a periodical with Latin American repercussions, already has a recognized trajectory in the fields of human and social sciences as a journal of academic dissemination, a situation that offers an appropriate panorama of visibility and communication.





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