

How to Cite
Rengifo Carpintero, J. A., & Díaz Caicedo, C. H. (2024). Nietzsche: On Research Technique to do Philosophy in Times of AI. Revista Ciencias Humanas, 17, 83–93. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235826.7213
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The critical study demonstrates how to do philosophy in a culture trapped in the digital age, technocracy, infodoxa, and artificial intelligence (AI), through Friedrich Nietzsche’s investigative technique. Regarding the methodology, an examination of the documentary archive is carried out, which gives epistemological value to the prologue in the author's most recognized works in the West. In this sense, it is concluded that—faced with the bleak panorama of a world trapped in the tyrannical paradigm of the algorithms produced by AI—a thinker stands like a sphinx to restore to human beings the illusion of living through the rebellion of a sharp intellectual exercise: the technique of visceral, organic and genealogical research through a slow, rigorous and constant process that returns the central role to writing, reading and the intertwining with the cultural and historical context of the actor in the comedy of life.



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