

How to Cite
Ayuso, A. (2015). social protection and poverty reduction in Brazil, Colombia and Chile Would graduating from the PTC or out of poverty?. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 2(2), 267–273. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.2281
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Reduction of Poverty has been the priority of Social Public Policy in the last two decades in Latin America. After social scars left Structural Policies fit in the Nineties with a drastic reduction in social spending since the beginning of Century Initiatives to eradicate the high levels of poverty that were reached in the region multiplied. The confluence of the United Nations Economic Cycle than favorable INCREASED available public resources, the coming to power or Governors of the Left and the emphasis the international agenda put in the eradication of poverty and destitution Around the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) favored during the past decade and a half were reduced significantly the MASA Poverty in Latin America, although the reduction of inequality was Moderate. From an optical Midterm achievements deserve Compared UN and systematic study of the experiences that have been implemented in different contexts. As esta book1 ago, Analyzing the experiences of Brazil, Colombia and Chile. This is exercise: WHEN Pertinente Moreover, Facing the UN 'change of economic cycle, shrinking resources for Public Policy puts pressure on decision makers to demonstrate the effectiveness of the resources allocated to social policies


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