

How to Cite
Romero, B., Lopez Verhelst, N., & Escobar Espinoza, A. (2017). Brief Analysis of the International Relations with Asia: Economic Integration between China and Colombia. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 4(2), 106–121. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.3340
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The paper aims to present an assessment of the recent evolution of the economic integration between Colombia and China during the last two decades. Based on data from diverse sources, the evolution of foreign trade between both countries is described, highlighting the most prominent exports and imports. The article also reflects on the foreign direct investment, within the framework of recent technical, economic and cultural cooperation agreements, which fostered a stronger South-South cooperation scheme. This foreign direct investment created a collective interest to move towards a deeper commercial integration through agreements that favor the free movement of goods. As a result, and taking into account China’s role in the global economy, its relevance in Colombia’s economic development has gradually increased, ranging from market access to the transfer of specialized knowledge and technology, and cultural exchange. Finally, the paper emphasizes the main challenges faced by Colombia in this scenario of greater international integration and cooperation.


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