

How to Cite
Rodriguez Borda, C. A., & Echeverri Martínez, L. M. (2019). Renewable energies. The role of regulatory institutions to promote the use of alternative sources. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(1), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.3937
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The use of renewable energies is an issue that has been gaining relevance in recent years, of course due to its environmental importance, but also because of the political, economic and social impact that the use of new energy sources entails. Institutions are essential actors to promote the role of these energies in conventional matrices, so it is worth asking what the institutional role of the regulatory body in this case in Colombia is to promote the use of renewable energy. To answer this question, a comparative method is used, considering the institutional behavior of the regulatory body in France, which allows to recognize, from two subjects who are theoretically similar, the scope of these. As a result, the two regulatory actors are identified, and both fulfill the function of building policies and making recommendations in the energy scenario. But while in France, the Energy Regulation Commission is also responsible for the creation of strategies and projects that allow the implementation of the new energies; in Colombia the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission does not fulfill these functions, which are the responsibility of the Mining and Energy Planning Unit; which may represent an advantage or a disadvantage for the energy sector.

Keywords: Alternative energies, renewable energies, public institutions, energy regulator.


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