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The article presents the main findings of an investigation carried out by the Mora Institute, at the invitation of the World Bank Institute, entitled “The exchange of knowledge: A review of institutional and operational practice in Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Singapore and South Africa”, Whose objective was to analyze the exchange of knowledge as a fundamental strategy in international cooperation relations, and particularly in South-South cooperation (CSS).
This research was carried out simultaneously in the five countries mentioned and one of the essential questions was how to promote the institutionalization of knowledge exchange in the instances that in each country carry out international cooperation actions. Thus, in the case of Mexico, the institutions analyzed were the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Semarnat, the Ministry of Social Development, Sedesol and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation, Amexcid. Among the fundamental findings, it was identified that, although the exchange of knowledge is not conceptualized as such in the institutional discourse, it is carried out permanently in the concrete actions of international cooperation. Therefore, its full internalization is required to move towards a knowledge-based culture and society in order to more clearly dimension its value and the benefits of its use and application towards the search for solutions to national and regional needs and problems and worldwide.
Keywords: International Cooperation; South-South Cooperation; Knowledge Management and Exchange; Emerging Countries.
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