

How to Cite
Trujillo Florián, E. S. (2019). The Human development from Colombian biojustics for drug-addicted street dwellers. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4095
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The biojuridic allows us to ask ourselves: How is human development promoted in jurisprudence against the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) 1 and 3 in relation to the consumption of narcotics and the inhabitant of the street? The objective is to determine the diagnosis of human development for the inhabitant of the drug-addicted street and analyze their sense of life according to the philosophical trends that should be included in the sentences. Some lines of Aristotelian philosophical thought are proposed, through interpretative documentary research and the reflective process is based on the information obtained and analyzed in texts and articles of indexed journals, with critical analysis. It is important to incorporate the language of ethics and politics in aspects such as happiness, justice, moral, civic and political virtue, and the education of feelings in jurisprudence.


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