

How to Cite
Caballero Poveda, F. L., & Diaz Donado, A. I. (2019). La Cooperación Cultural como movilizadora del desarrollo sostenible: Caso patrimonio inmaterial de la comunidad de Getsemaní. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 68–86. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4525
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A recent perspective of human development according to which this is defined in terms of freedom, has allowed culture to be considered an inherent and essential dimension to achieve the development of any community. In this sense, the present investigation initially studies the relationship between culture and development to later focus on the analysis of the role of international cultural cooperation as a mobilizing agent for sustainable human development, taking as a reference the case of the community of Getsemaní (located in the Historic Center of Cartagena de Indias), with its intangible cultural heritage represented in its manifestations of neighborhood life.

The whole process was guided by a qualitative methodology, which had as main techniques of information collection, the review of documentary sources, semi-structured interviews with cultural experts and a focus group composed of different actors from the community of Getsemaní. The results obtained reveal the positive perception that both, consulted authors and interviewed experts and community members have regarding the role that cultural cooperation could play, as a mobilizing agent for sustainable development The final considerations reaffirm how this cooperation is emerging as a strong ally of the communities when managing their development through culture, considering that it can give the necessary impetus to publicize and manage their intangible heritage through projects in which the same community is the protagonist, from its design to its implementation.


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