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Apodaca Rodríguez, R., & Cerda Dueñas, C. (2020). The international cooperation for development in transition. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 102–119. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4631
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The analysis of the historical evolution of international cooperation for development (CID) allows us to glimpse a sort of trend that seems to define stages of crisis, transition and boom. From this perspective and as proposed by Schulz (2010), Mawdsley, Savage and Kim (2014) and Appe (2017) the global context of post-aid, since it is a period preceded by moments of crisis and characterized by the stimulation of CID rethinking, could be interpreted as its transition phase. For this reason, this article, through the documentary research modality and the deductive method, proposes an analysis of CID transition from the start of aid effectiveness debate to the emergence of post-aid global context in order to in order to characterize the turn in its essence and narrative.


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