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Zavaleta Hernández, S. K., & Franco Silva, A. (2020). La Militarización del Desarrollo: La intervención humanitaria humanicida en Haití. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 12–34. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4739
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Humanitarian interventions aim to guarantee the stability, development, and security of the countries in which they operate. In theory, these are altruistic and apolitical. Notwithstanding, in many cases, they have deepened the instability, inequality, and violence of the countries in which they act to guarantee private interests. Even though humanitarian interventions are associated with critical security concepts, militarization has served as the central tool for their implementation. Thus, this research will analyze Haiti's historical interventions -justified by civilizational, humanitarian, and developmental discourses - and the economic, political, and social reality of the Haitian people.

The main finding of this study is that foreign interference, classified as humanitarian, has attempted against the life, development, security, and dignity of the Haitian population. Thus, humanitarian interventions have guaranteed the reproduction of capitalist interests and the dominance of the United States in the Greater Caribbean, threatening the life and well-being of the people as a whole.


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