

How to Cite
Rueda Abad, J. C., & Vargas Castilleja, R. del C. (2021). Human Rights in the Face of Climate Emergency. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 95–111. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4895
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The present article aims at showing, in an exploratory way, the situation of human rights under the theoretical approach of the metamorphosis of the world by Ulrich Bech. At present, from the multilateral sphere and contributions of an academic nature, it is recognized that the existence of climate change puts at risk the integral fulfillment of human rights. In this perspective, the metamorphosis theory identifies that human rights must transform their implementation mechanisms so that they are a tool, which unites an individual and collective response to climate change. In this sense, the implementation of an educational strategy of a transformative nature is proposed, which allows people to have the skills to live in a world with a higher average temperature. From this logic, by being able to implement an education of this type, the educational field would be addressed, and at the same time, the implementation of human rights would be facilitated.

Keywords: Metamorphosis; Climate Change; Human Rights; Education; and Risk Reduction.


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