

How to Cite
Senior Garcia, R. R., & Cera, V. (2020). Las entidades públicas en Colombia y los procesos de cooperación internacional: un análisis comparado de las experiencias del servicio nacional de aprendizaje (SENA). Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 7(2), 119–138. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5043
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This article sets out a research on the main variations among the process of international cooperation inside the state institutions in Colombia. The study takes the national learning service SENA (for its acronym in Spanish) as one of the key institutions in the evolution of international cooperation in Colombia. One of the main objectives is to identify the different ways the institution organizes and exercises internal and external international cooperation processes. To achieve this goal the comparative case method was applied to detect the patterns of the roll the countries play, the types of cooperation, the final effects and how can this be extended throughout the institution. The cases selected were the cooperation projects with MOSHAW of Israel as North-South Cooperation and Brazil as South-South Cooperation. The results will point out the similarities and strengthens of SENA as a cooperation actor in Colombia and how its experience can be applied in other institutions.


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