

How to Cite
Quiroz Gómez, J. G. (2021). Paradoxes of Community Development: 2018-2024 Mexico’s National Development Plan. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 28–38. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5206
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The following paper presents a brief analysis of a series of paradoxes, which are observed with respect to Mexico's National Development Plan (NDP) proposal on social policies with a community development focus. It should be noted that the paradoxes to be pointed out do not refer to a criticism of efficiency and effectiveness in terms of the implementation of public policies from the federal order of government, but rather they point out, in the best of cases, problems of a discursive nature in terms of the use of some theoretical concepts.

It concludes with a conceptual reflection aimed at highlighting the paradoxes relating to communications made in the 2018-2024 PND on Community Development.

Keywords: The Fourth Transformation (4T); Development Plan 2018-2024; Development Policies; Social Cohesion; and Community Development


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