

How to Cite
Mendoza Solís, Y. P. (2021). A Territory for Development: Trajectories of Local Agency in the Lacandon Jungle,. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 39–51. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5251
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Since the end of the 20th century, Lacandon Jungle became a space for the concentration of social and environmental development policies promoted by national and international cooperation agencies. The article analyzes the local relations between development policies and the processes of collective agency of the territory from a Deleuzian perspective. This research was conducted with a qualitative methodology based on an anthropological case study. It is argued that the local trajectories of appropriation/territorialization, dispute/deterritorialization, and control/reterritorialization have led to new strategies of organization and collective agency, which challenge the inertia of conventional development policies.

Keywords: Territorialization; Deterritorialization; Reterritorialization; Collective Agency; and Lacandon Jungle.


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