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Sánchez Sánchez, D. (2021). Explorations on Invisibility and Attention of Rural Youth in Public Policies, Programs, and Laws in Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5253
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This paper presents an overview of laws, public policies, and programs directly or indirectly directed toward rural youth in Mexico, which have impacted the community of Palos Altos, as part of the structural dimension of the rural youth condition. Its objective is to point out and to discuss the invisibility of rural youth for public policies in Jalisco and Mexico. It also attempts to problematize how they contribute to a relationship with the territory of abandonment because the educational public policy does not generate significant links with the territory, while the other instances are absent and make rural youth and their contributions and potentialities invisible in the territories where they live.

Keywords: Rural Youth; Public Policies; Territory; Rural Development; and Agribusiness.


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