

How to Cite
Cruz Torrado, B. K., & Jordán Ricardo, J. F. (2021). Importance of Women’s Participation in Memory Reconstruction Processes. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 64–77. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5290
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This article makes part of the results of the research paper conducted in the framework of the Master's Degree in Social Conflict and Peacebuilding at the University of Cartagena, in which, “Women of the Mis Esfuerzos Association from the reconstruction of the memory to reconciliation and symbolic reparation,” research project was conducted. The following question was raised: How did the implementation of the Memory and Reconciliation Circles of the El Canal del Dique and Coastal Zone Development and Peace Corporation–CDPCDZC– as a participatory strategy of memory, reconciliation, and symbolic reparation impact Women of the Mis Esfuerzos Association?

This research used the hermeneutical and phenomenological paradigm, with a qualitative approach to a case study, in which information gathering techniques, such as observation, focus groups, and documentary review, were used.

By taking into account that the basic research project was very broad and addressed a characterization and theoretical support of the strategy of the Circles of Memory and Reconciliation, as well as a systematization of the specific experience with the group of Women of the Mis Esfuerzos Association, it was necessary to synthesize a new question, which guided the writing of this article. For this reason, it will be answered why it is important to involve women’s perspective in the processes of memory reconstruction with victims of the armed conflict. For this reason, it was necessary to investigate the guidelines established by the National Center for Historical Memory.

Finally, this research allowed us to understand that historical violence and discrimination suffered by women, as a result of the social construction of gender, have had an impact on the way the history of Colombia’s armed conflict has been told, in which victimizing facts have been obscured, and minor importance has been given to damages caused to the female gender. Therefore, it is necessary to involve women’s perspective in the reconstruction of memory in order to bring justice.

Keywords: Woman; Gender Approach, Collective Memory; Reparation; Women´s Participation.


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