

How to Cite
Pintor Pirzkall, H. C. (2021). El papel de las alianzas público-privadas financiadas por la GIZ en la reducción de la violencia de género en América Latina. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5494
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Gender violence is a pandemic that affects the entire Latin American continent without exception. National authorities have made important legislative advances in relation to gender-based violence, but at a practical level the scope has been limited and the numbers continue to rise. The German technical agency (GIZ), has promoted a series of projects with companies and governments to reduce gender violence both inside and outside the business environment and thus comply with the Gender Strategy developed by the German Ministry of Cooperation, BMZ in 2013. This article that we present below is the second part of a study started in 2019 in relation to the Regional Program “Combat Violence against Women in Latin America” - COmVo Mujer (2009-2016) funded by the GIZ in collaboration with 270 Latin American companies. The first part of the study was published by the University of Salamanca in 2020 and focuses on the study of companies as zones of peace. In this second article, it is intended to assess the impact of the ComVo Mujer II project (2014-2018), by means of a series of indicators that will allow us to evaluate its effect, taking into account the number of activities carried out, the number of participants, the impact of the actions on society and the role that companies have played in reducing gender-based violence to find out if these actions should be included in a long-term regional strategy.


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