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Márquez Guzmán, J. (2021). Paran Pan Pan “End of Poverty” in Cartagena de Indias, Period 2012-2019. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5547
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This paper analyzes the indicators of monetary poverty in Cartagena de Indias in the period 2012-2019, in national comparative and, having as a primary axis the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 1 “End Poverty”, being Cartagena one of the main cities of Colombia that has three powerful sectors of economic income (Industrial, Tourist and Port); sectors that describe an economically strengthened city, whose results do not translate into proportional progress in the reduction of monetary poverty. In turn, the incidence of the district development plans implemented in the period 2012-2019 as a roadmap for public policy to combat monetary poverty in Cartagena is examined.      

The study is based on an analysis of the data yielded by the monetary poverty indicators, the review of the PDDs 2012-2019, concerning the programs/projects focused on monetary poverty; the documentary exploration was conducted taking into account the baselines of the population to be intervened in the PDDs of study, the resources distributed in the development plans, the inquiries of the legal framework of the national public policy, focused at the territorial level to reduce poverty. This allows showing the impact of the articulation of the PDDs with the global roadmap aimed at strengthening the district’s socioeconomic indicators.

The purpose of consolidating a stable social protection policy, and turning it into a policy of social promotion, in which the participants can strengthen their capacities in a constant way, improving the income of all people, as the main political challenge. This leads to recommending a Social Intervention Model to deal with the reality of poverty in Cartagena de Indias.

Keywords: Poverty; Public policies; Development Plan; Social Impact; Development Model.


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