

How to Cite
Guerrero Pájaro, A., & Barraza Pava, M. E. . (2021). Corporate Social Management: Analysis of Marginal Effects for Reputational Improvement. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5563
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Corporate social management has become the path of the relationship between the community and the company, through these reciprocal positive results can be achieved, based on the realities of the communities evaluated from the lifting of baselines, characterizations, among others, which allow a recognition of the environment where the different projects that respond to the investment lines of the companies are carried out. Starting from the premise that communities participate in these projects to improve territorial conditions, it is possible to create an ecosystem that focuses on mutualism and avoids commensalism, socially speaking. From the implementation of a Probit model, it was possible to statistically show the correlation between the perception of social management compared to the projects that companies execute, which generate greater impact and are acceptable according to their socio-economic and cultural environments.

Keywords: Social Management; Sustainable Development; Development Projects; Community; Afro-descendant.


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