

How to Cite
Benito Revollo, A. L. (2021). Participation and Governance Mechanisms in Colombia and Chile. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 96–108. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5617
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Colombia and Chile have experienced the last decade a permanent transformation towards a decentralizing approach, one and the other, looking for the best structure, trying to move away from those entrenched centralisms in the case of Chile, and in Colombia a constant change that leads to the improvement of the transfers of resources, to the most remote municipalities of the territory, in a scenario that is complex to apply, such as that of the internal armed conflict.

The objective of the research is to analyze through the mechanisms of citizen participation existing in both countries, in the case of Colombia and Chile, to improve subnational governance systems. Which ultimately has notorious repercussions on the distribution of functions, resources and competences that improve the quality of life of citizens and their respective territories. This article is based on a review of bibliographic and documentary data regarding the study and observance of the functioning of the State, under the idealizing need to be an agent of economic and social development, in a growing scenario of demands by civil society, applicant of greater regional autonomy and greater participation of said decisions at the local level. The current situation places us in a social pact, making it necessary to produce changes of an alternative nature for the countries, trying to overcome the poor quality of public management and the irrationality in the use of resources by local administrations.

Keywords: modernization; governance; Colombia; Chile; participation; regulation; public policies.


What is worrisome in the case of Colombia, is the distrust present in the State and in its idealizing need to be an agent of economic and social development, a contrary sensu, what has created and motivated, is a growing scenario of demands on the part of the civil society, requesting greater regional autonomy and greater participation in these decisions at the local level. The current situation envisions us in a denaturalization of that social pact, which has lost all sustenance, making it necessary to produce alternative changes for the country, trying to overcome the deficient quality of public management and the irrationality in the use of resources. resources, by local administrations


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