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Rincon Alarcon, J. M., Ávila Garavito, E. ., Fragozo Manjarrez, O. A. ., Rodríguez Aguilar, B. ., & González Cortés, L. D. . (2021). Methodological Component for the Diagnosis of Corporate Social Responsibility-CSR Actions toWards Peace Building Through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 41–57. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5678
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The internal armed conflict in Colombia weakened the productive structure and the resulting socioeconomic fabric, generating a deepening of poverty and inequality gaps. In this sense, MSMEs, due to their strong territorial presence, are configured as dynamic actors towards peace building based on the cohesion of State entities and citizens in scenarios of armed conflict.

Therefore, the article presents the design of the “Methodological tool for the Diagnosis of Corporate Social Responsibility Actions of MSMEs towards territorial Peacebuilding”, in order to identify the positive and negative conditions that make possible or hinder the involvement of these organizations in this process, generating inputs to project territorial strategies that enable Peacebuilding from CSR.

Keywords: Social responsibility; Peacebuilding; Small enterprises; Regional development; Quality control-ISO26000.


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