

How to Cite
Morasso, C. (2021). EU’s International Development Cooperation and the construction of the African gender agenda. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 164–176. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5752
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Gender equality currently occupies a central place in the strategies of Official Development Assistance. International cooperation providers considering that reducing the gender gap is a key factor for sustainable development. Among them, the European Union stands out, which, based on its role as normative power, became a central actor in promoting gender agendas through its foreign relations. This can be seen in the case of Africa, a privileged European partner where numerous programs and projects have been deployed, mainly aimed at reducing the gender gap and empowering women economically. In this context, these paper addresses the role that European cooperation has played in the dissemination of gender values ​​and practices in the African continent, giving an account of the main initiatives carried out and providing some reflections on the results achieved.

Keywords: Gender –European Union – Africa – Normative Power – International Development Cooperation.   


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Sitios web consultados
The Africa-EU Partnership: https://www.africa-eu-partnership.org/
EU Aid Explorer: https://euaidexplorer.ec.europa.eu/
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