

How to Cite
Morales Manjarres, C. A. (2022). Impacto financiero en inversiones realizadas en Colombia con la pandemia mundial “COVID-19” en los años 2020 y 2021. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5866
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This reflection article describes the financial impact produced by the global pandemic “COVID-19” for the years of 2020 and 2021, in which all those measures and strategies, carried out with the aim of reactivating (within the financial framework) the country's economy, are extrapolated, by avoiding a greater economic recession. This article of reflection is presented through the cohesion of a qualitative research, given the bibliographic review, which was previously carried out. Among the results obtained, a function of the economic reactivation process proposed by the Colombian national government is extrapolated so that the companies of the different economic sectors have guarantees, which allow them to grow economically and to generate jobs in order to progressively stimulate the country's economy.

Keywords: Financial Impact, COVID-19, Investments in Colombia, Colombian Financial Panorama, and Economic Reactivation.



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