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Escobar Velasquez, K., Hernández Álvarez, G. ., & López Sáleme, R. . (2022). Overweight and Obesity in under Five-Year-Old Children. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 44–57. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5928
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Objective: To determine the sociocultural and family factors and eating habits associated to overweight and obesity in under five-year-old children in the city of Cartagena.

Methodology: Cross-sectional analytical study, with a sample of 440 girls and boys, selected by a cluster sampling by localities, assessment of nutritional status was made by anthropometric measures, sociocultural, and family factors, and the eating habits were assessed with a survey.

The variables were analyzed, by using descriptive statistics and chi-square measures of association.

Results: In Five-Year-Old Boys and Girls, a prevalence of overweight of 7,79% was found, obesity of 6.23%, and a prevalence of overweight of 14,03%.

Factors associated to overweight were found: Not having any studies by the parent (p0.012) and belonging to a high socioeconomic stratum (p 0.04).

As for obesity, the associations were meaningful with the following: The caregiver lacks studies (p0.021), low socioeconomic status, and the 2-year-old child eats alone (p0.013). No association to specific food consumption was found.

Conclusions: Overweight is on the rise in the population over 2 years of age, social and family factors remain relevant in malnutrition due to excess.

Keyword: Obesity, Early Childhood, Nutrition, Family Dynamics, Childhood, UNESCO, and CLACSO.


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