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Insignares Cera, S., & Rueda Fiorentino, M. (2022). Euro-Latin American Relations: Perspectives on the Consolidation of Bi-Regional Trade Cooperation. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 34–45. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5993
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This article analyzes Euro-Latin American relations with special attention to the commercial sphere at the CAN and  Mercosur level. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions: how does EU trade cooperation materialize in the CAN and  Mercosur Latin American integration processes? What lessons derive from the dynamics of commercial association between these blocs? After reviewing the role of the EU as a global actor and the importance of its strategic relationship with Latin America, this paper argues that the bi-regional trade relationship is manifested in three levels of interaction: first approach, reciprocal action and consolidation. The very nature of the negotiations, as well as the internal provisions and decisions of both processes (CAN and  Mercosur) would have favored in the case of the CAN progress towards the consolidation of relations with the EU while in the case of Mercosur there are still obstacles to overcome.

Keywords: European Union; Latin America; Cooperation; CAN;  Mercosur.


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