

How to Cite
Garay Vargas, J. L., Marin Aranguren, E. M., & León López, M. A. (2022). Análisis de la retórica en los títulos de los proyectos para el sostenimiento de la paz financiados por el Fondo de Naciones Unidas: Analysis of the Rhetoric in the Titles of the Projects for the Maintenance of Peace Financed by the United Nations Fund. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 90–112. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.5994
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This article presents a first result of the project “impact evaluation of projects financed by international cooperation in civil society organizations”, which seeks to collect evidence on the effectiveness of international cooperation. Here the findings of the text analysis of the projects that obtained financing from the Multi-donor Fund for Peace administered by the United Nations Organization, as substantial evidence of practices and facts in this type of tools. The quantitative analysis is interrelated with the qualitative one for an approach from the text analysis and the theory of change in the titles of the financed projects and in this way not only the structure of the fund is outlined, but also the tendencies in matters of international cooperation, their priorities, and preferences, which are codified in the study. In this way, the research experience itself becomes the core of the approach to these issues that, in this case, have a unique practice in the world. The article is divided into the following parts: First, we outline a brief state of the art and the theoretical framework in which the research was based. Second, the research work methodology that it accounts for is addressed. Third, some general characteristics of the projects financed by the Fund are mentioned. Then, the findings related to the titles are displayed. At the end, some conclusions are provided that serve as a guide for the continuation of the investigation.

Keywords: International Cooperation, Civil Society, United Nations, Discourse Analysis, Peac


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