

How to Cite
Vannucchi, C. (2022). Geography of the Environmental Degrowth. The Mexican Experience in Community Resilience Facing Climate Change. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6021
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The article analyses aspects of degrowth from an environmental perspective, situating the movement within the ancestrals worldviews, environmental policies and social movements that have emerged in Latin America as a response to the failure of development. Degrowth is presented as a possible solution to counter the destructive effects of the so-called anthropogenic disturbance as one of the causes of climate change that is leading to the devastation of the planet and the loss of biodiversity and environmental resources. A possible solution lies in re-establishing the reciprocal relationship that exists between human beings and the ecosystems of which they are part, to re-establish a respectful exchange, as taught to us by the indigenous people who protect the planet. The article gives an example of the conservation of natural and cultural heritage through the struggle of the Mixtecs of Pinotepa di Don Luis (Oaxaca, Mexico) who are the only ones in the world who have managed to maintain a millenary tradition of the dying technique with purple color, since they have a method that does not kill the shellfish and allow them to sustainably use the natural resource through the centuries. Today, this tradition is threatened with disappearance due to the effects of anthropogenic disturbance, climate change and overexploitation of the land due to unconscious tourism. In this context, degrowth represents itself as an alternative opportunity to choose consumption that is limited in quantity but substantially in quality. A challenge to be taken up at a decisive historical moment when alternatives to conventional development are more urgent than ever.

Keywords: Climate Change; Environmental Conservation; Biodiversity; Cooperation for Development; Alternative Development.


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