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Marún-Uparela, K., Arrieta-Flórez, R., Guzmán-Vega, Y., & Marún Uparela, D. (2023). For Whom is the Right to Water? Dynamics of Access to Water in San José del Playón and La Suprema, María La Baja, Bolívar: . Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 8–20. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6307
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The expansion of oil palm crops in the townships of San José del Playón, and La Suprema has caused environmental damage in the territory and, especially in water sources traditionally used by the community to satisfy their needs and to develop cultural practices. This piece of research analyzes these impacts on the access and effective realization of the right to water of these communities in María la Baja, through applied social research, which is based on a socio-legal study of documentary analysis, as well as the results of semi-structured interviews conducted to community leaders and technical studies on the physical-chemical and sanitary parameters of two of the most important bodies of water in the area. The results demonstrate the violation of the right to water of this population, in its dimensions of availability, accessibility, and quality, which motivates the need to suggest to local authorities the formulation of public policies which allow a change in the distribution model of water resources in the villages of San José del Playón and La Suprema, while implementing appropriate measures to reduce the level of pollution present in water bodies.



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