

How to Cite
Hernández Paternina, K. D., Torres Caro, Y. A., & Morón Campos, M. A. (2023). Protection of human rights against fiscal sustainability: balance and critical perspectives in the fight against climate change. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6324
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This work aims to analyze the implications of the principle of fiscal sustainability through the incident of fiscal impact in judicial decisions issued by the Colombian high courts. To this end, the connections and problems of this scenario regarding the protection of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights in the fight against climate change in Colombia are explored. Specifically, a critical approach is made to the role of the Constitutional Court in relation to the scope of the principle of fiscal sustainability and fiscal impact incident, taking into account concepts and arguments from international governance studies and constitutional jurisprudence. Appealing to a methodological strategy in which the law is assumed as a social institution, where its descriptive and explanatory frameworks are malleable and even contradictory at the time of its uses and applications, the work assumes a position in which the Constitutional Court of Colombia has a central role in the guarantee and defense of rights, especially as guardian of social, economic, cultural and environmental rights, against possible measures or policies that are detrimental to these from the uses of the principle of fiscal sustainability and fiscal impact incident in the Colombian legal system.



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