

How to Cite
Levintan, A. L., & Cicogna, M. P. (2023). Adaptive Mechanisms in Argentina: The Case of Township of Luján. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 41–51. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6641
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The advance of climate change has begun to represent a growing challenge for governments, challenging them to plan and design new public policies to curb its effects. In the case of countries such as those that make up Latin America, this often implies a double challenge, since making these decisions also requires the financial capacity to carry them out. In this study, the case of the Luján River Basin, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, which already has a historical record of being an area vulnerable to the occurrence of floods, in an area where abundant rainfall has reiterated with greater frequency in recent years, will be taken as a case study. The objectives of this paper are: a) analyse how the concept of climate change has been inserted at the local level in public management and regulations, and how it has been translated into adaptation mechanisms in the Luján River Basin; b) examine the role played by international funding agencies in the adaptation measures implemented in the Luján River Basin; c) describe how citizens have positioned themselves in relation to public management of the Luján River Basin and how they participated in the process of designing coping mechanisms; and d) identify which have been the instances of encounter and interaction between the state and society, based on the public hearings held in recent years on the Luján River Basin. For the purposes of this study, it was convenient to use a qualitative methodology, with the use of a bibliographic review of different works carried out in academia on public management, climate change and coping mechanisms, national and provincial regulations and reports from governmental institutions and international organisations over the last 20 years. Despite the limitations of face-to-face fieldwork from COVID-19, it was possible to make use of the technological tools that were enhanced as a result of this context, and to access different testimonies of the actors involved. It was concluded that the design and implementation of adaptation measures are becoming increasingly crucial, with the execution of works that require large budgets, in which international organisations intervene in return. Faced with this scenario, citizens are opening new channels of participation that force governments to take them into consideration when making decisions, including through debates and discussions within the government.



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